Seeds is supporting missionaries across the world. Global Missions is fulfilling the Great Commission and you can be a part of that. God knows no borders, he has no limitations, and His hand can reach into the darkest and hardest places on earth. We are partnering with missionaries that are reaching children in orphanages, trafficked children, abused children, abandoned children. Seeds is partnering with missionaries that are building spiritual leaders and spreading the message of Christ where it is frowned upon. Seeds helps provide bibles to countries across the world, provides teaching around the world, builds spiritual leaders. Seeds is saving children globally and giving them a safe home, education and spiritual guidance. Seeds is reaching those that seem unreachable. God is moving!
You can make a one time commitment, weekly commitment, give as often as god leads, or partner with us in a monthly commitment. You can give many different ways to Seeds; text, church center, tfcrgv.com/give, or cash and check at any of TFC’s physical locations.
text: send $ amount and then “Seeds” to 84321 | Church center app | cash or check using an envelope
if you need any help, please visit tfcrgv.com/give or call our front office at (956) 682-2092